A superb opportunity to acquire a well-established and well respected security systems business.
The company specialises in security systems including Intruder, CCTV, Fire and Access Control as well as servicing ongoing maintenance contracts.
The intruder systems are both audible and monitored.
Established April 2000.
We have established and maintained long standing relationships with over 325 loyal clients whom provide ongoing repeat business. These relationships spans over 20 years in some cases.
Operates from easily relocatable leasehold premises.
Having experienced primarily organic growth to date, there is ample scope for growth through product diversification, geographic expansion and the implementing proactive marketing strategies
Ideal acquisition for either an individual business owner or as a bolt-on for a synergistic organisation looking to expand its geographical reach and take advantage of a well-established, reliable client base.
Offered for sale to facilitate retirement plans.
Open to all types of structured offers, subject to negotiation.
Offers invited.